Mary in the Liturgical Life of the Church (MS)Nivel de curso: Avanzado

Descripción del curso

The role of Mary in the liturgical life of the Catholic Church is the focus of this course. We will reflect on how her presence in the liturgy brings worshippers closer to her Son and deeper into the Paschal Mystery. Besides considering Mary’s presence in the general liturgical texts, we will also look at the Church’s special collection of Marian Masses and a Marian adaptation of the Liturgy of the Hours. As a case study in drawing meaning from those special Masses, we will practice using the prayers and Scripture readings from one, the Mass of the Visitation, to conduct a liturgical reflection.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • Recognize the sacramental character of the Church, its various forms of liturgical prayer, and Mary’s unique presence in that prayer.
  • Explain how, by virtue of Mary’s indissoluble union with Christ, her presence in the liturgy can deepen a believer’s relationship with her Son.
  • Describe how Mary’s presence in the liturgy helps the Church to sanctify every hour of every day with the mystery of Christ.
  • Use the elements of Marian Masses to conduct a liturgical reflection on the character, life, and mission of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Appreciate how Eastern liturgies honor Mary and can enhance our understanding of the person and mission of Mary.

Materiales para el Curso

  • No se requiere de libros. Todas las lecturas están en línea.

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: A Marian Presence in the Liturgy
    • Describe Mary, the first disciple, in terms of her role as model of faith, receptive prayerfulness, and conformity to the call of the Redeemer.
    • Understand how Pope John Paul II explained Mary’s continuous presence in the mystery of the Mass, even when she is not overtly mentioned in the texts of the prayers.
    • Explain how the liturgy brings participants into a deeper relationship with Mary and her Son.
  • Semana 2: The Virgin Mary’s Presence in Sanctifying Each Day
    • Identify and discuss how Mary is present in the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    • Explain how Mary’s presence in the Mass, Hours, and Little Office point to Christ.
  • Semana 3: The Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    • Explain why the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary was compiled and how using these Masses could be beneficial in parish life.
    • Describe how the Masses in both the Collection and the regular liturgical calendar commemorate the life and vocation of Mary.
  • Semana 4: A Liturgical Reflection on the Visitation
    • Use the prayers and Scripture readings chosen for a particular Mass—such as the Mass of the Visitation—to discern a message being conveyed in the liturgy about Christian life.
    • Suggest how meditating on the elements of the Mass of the Visitation can enhance a believer’s understanding of what Mary is like as a person.
  • Semana 5: A Brief Look at Eastern Liturgy
    • Describe some Marian characteristics of the Eastern liturgies, and explain how they differ from those in the Western liturgy.
    • Suggest some ways that those Marian characteristics might enrich a believer’s understanding of Mary and her role in the saving work of her Son.