Ministry Leadership in the Church Today (Sem)Course Level: Intermediate

Course Summary

We are all called to serve the Church and serve as missionaries among the people of God. Each according to their specific skills and talents will serve the Church. During these three weeks we will know, what is the theoretical, theological and pastoral framework that today's leaders need to serve the Church. We will study several documents of the Church among them is the Christifideles laici, Envangelii Nuntiandi and Redemptoris Missio. During this course we will analyze organizational, communication and pastoral skills.

Successful completion of this course earns 1.5 CEU's. Click here for more information about CEU's.

General Course Objectives

  • Uncover some leadership styles and see them in relationship to Jesus Christ
  • Survey the skills necessary to be a leader/manager in service to the Church
  • Identify issues that can concern lay ecclesial ministry leaders
  • Be able to describe the unique characteristics of a lay ecclesial minister and some resources to assist in this role

Course Materials

  • No books required. All readings are online.

Course Structure and Highlights

  • Week 1: Jesus' Leadership Model
    • Reflect and recognize the personal response to God's call
    • Recognize some qualities of Jesus' leadership
    • Reflect and deepen the vocation of the laity in the Church
  • Week 2: Serving Others As Jesus Taught Us
    • Recognize and articulate the integral formation of the Christian leader
    • Discern the gifts and talents of each person for the mission of the Church
    • Recognize and model an inclusive and participatory leadership style
  • Week 3: The Leader: The Good News of the Gospel, New Methods
    • Recognize the essential elements for effective communication, Active listening, Scheduling and Public Speaking
    • Be able to describe some of the issues and trends impacting the Church today and into the near future
    • Survey leadership and management skill sets