Summary of Catholic Social Teaching (Sem)Nivel de curso: Intermedio

Descripción del curso

Discover the indissoluble link between Evangelization and Catholic Social Teaching

Recognize the founding magisterial documents of Catholic Social Teaching

Find an appropriate definition of Catholic Social Teaching that can be taught and applied in ministerial settings.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 1.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

  • Understand the key tenets of Catholic Social Teaching
  • Be more aware of injustices in your communities and your world
  • Implement the Social Teachings of the Church in your ecclesial communities, ministries and in the catechesis
  • Understand the history and background of Catholic Social Teaching
  • Learn briefly about the key themes and terms of Catholic Social Teaching
  • Begin to understand how Catholic Social Teaching functions within secular society today

Materiales para el Curso

  • No se requiere de libros. Todas las lecturas están en línea.

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: Introduction to Catholic Social History and Elements: Human Dignity and Living Together in the World
    • Begin to learn how to understand and apply Catholic Social Teaching to daily life
    • Share the Encyclical and Scriptural background to issues of life and dignity of the human person
    • Share the Scriptural background to issues of life and dignity of the human person
  • Semana 2: Participation in Community, Rights and Responsibilities, Wealth, Poverty and Work
    • To understand the principles and rights of persons as they participate in society with regards to the common good and well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable
    • Understand the responsibility of the individual to participate in working for justice in society
    • Clarify the terms, communicative justice, social justice, and distributive justice
    • Understand the concept of the preferential (not exclusive) option for the poor
  • Semana 3: The World of Solidarity and The Creation: Conservation, Humanity and Economy
    • Understand the Scriptural context of World Solidarity and Creation
    • Understand the issues of ecological concerns and the environment
    • Learn how ecology and environment influence other issues such as human dignity, human life, and the economy