Chronic Illness: Mental Illness, Grief, Trauma Support and CounsellingNivel de curso: Intermedio

Descripción del curso

Chronic Illness: Mental Illness, Grief, Trauma Support, and Counseling provides participants with information about living with mental illness and repercussions from trauma, as well as the impact on family, friends, the community, and the Church. Today, mental health and the impact of trauma are beginning to receive attention in the Church and around the world due to increasing deaths from suicide and addiction, as well as the sizeable number of children growing up with a history of trauma, abuse, and neglect. This course is designed for anyone who works with children and adults at the diocese or parish levels, including pastors, deacons, catechetical leaders, catechists, parochial school principals and teachers, and lay ministers. A degree or background in counseling or psychology is not necessary to complete this course. Because conversations about death from suicide, violence, and addiction are essential to address when discussing mental illness and trauma, participants should be aware that these topics will be discussed.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's. Precione aquí para mayor información acerca de las UEP's.

Materiales para el Curso

  • Libro Requerido: Dorothy Coughlin and Janice L. Benton Welcomed and Valued: Building Faith Communities of Support and Hope with People with Mental Illness and Their Families CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2009 ISBN: 1492126012; ISBN-13: 978-1492126010
  • Libro Opcional: Kathryn Hermes Surviving Depression: A Catholic Approach (10th Anniv) Pauline Books & Media, 2012 ISBN: 0819872253, ISBN-13: 978-0819872258
  • Libro Opcional: Aaron Kheriaty and John Cihak The Catholic Guide to Depression SOPHIA INSTITUTE PRESS, 2012 ISBN: 978-1933184760; ASIN: 1933184760
    • Order Here

      Note: Optional resources will not be directly used in the course but may help some people who want to learn more or would like those resources for their study or personal use.

Estructura y Contenidos del Curso

  • Semana 1: Living with Mental Illness and Trauma
    • By the end of this unit, participants…
    • Will be able to name several types of acute and chronic mental illness.
    • Will be able to name several causes of trauma in children, adolescents, and adults.
    • Will be able to differentiate between biological and situational causes of mental illness.
    • Will have a basic understanding of the impacts of living with mental illness, including addiction, homelessness, suicide, incarceration, types of treatment, and difficulties in attaining treatment.
  • Semana 2: The Costs of Mental Illness and Trauma: Impact on the Family and Community
    • By the end of this unit, participants…
    • Will be able to name at least three different costs related to mental illness.
    • Will be able to discuss the impact of raising a child with mental illness, having a parent with mental illness, or having a spouse with mental illness.
    • Will begin to compile a list of resources available to individuals and families affected by mental illness, as well as notice where gaps in resources exist.
  • Semana 3: Mental Illness and the Church: An Evolution
    • At the end of this unit, participants…
    • Will be able to discuss critically the evolution of beliefs regarding mental illness from early Christianity until now.
    • Will be aware of current Church teachings regarding mental illness, including recent Church documents.
    • Will have an understanding of current Church documents and be able to use them to support inclusion in their Parish.
  • Semana 4: Opening Doors: Participation in Parish Life
    • By the end of this unit, participants….
    • Will be able to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of their parish regarding inclusion of those with mental illness.
    • Will be able to name at least two ways they can support inclusion in their parishes.
    • Will be able to name at least two ways that mental illness can impact participation in parish life.
  • Semana 5: Christ’s Hands and Feet: Ministering to Those with Mental Illness
    • At the end of this unit, participants…
    • Will be able to describe resources available at their parish to minister to those with mental illness, and will be able to discuss ways of increasing or improving current available resources.
    • Will be able to discuss the importance of setting boundaries and develop ideas on how to effectively minister to those with mental illness while respecting boundaries.
    • Will begin to develop a parish plan for ministering to those with disabilities (including Narcan/Naloxone training, partnering with area homeless shelters, partnering with local mental health agencies, etc.)