Basics of Catechist Formation 1.2: Vocation of the Catechist (Sem)Course Level: Basic

Course Summary

This e-seminar explores the meaning of the Vocation of the Catechist.   Pope Francis states: “The catechist, is a Christian who is mindful of God, who is guided by the memory of God in his or her entire life and who is able to awaken that memory in the hearts of others”. As a catechist, you are responsible to hand on the authentic Catholic Faith. Yet, this faith needs to be rooted in our own lives as catechists. It is essential that catechists have a sense of ‘vocation’ for their high calling to proclaim the Good News. What is your sense of an authentic meaning of the vocation for being a catechist?

Successful completion of this course earns 1.5 CEU's. Click here for more information about CEU's.

Course Materials

  • Required Book: Various Authors The Vocation of the Catechist Twenty-Third Publications (July 22, 2018) ISBN: ASIN : B07FT7592Y; Product # 852876

Course Structure and Highlights

  • Week 1: Call to Holiness
    • To explain the meaning of the vocation of the Catechist
    • To explain the essence of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation ‘Gaudete Et Exsultate’ for Catechists
    • To explain how ‘the art of accompaniment’ in Evangelii Gaudium is essential for being a catechist.
  • Week 2: Communicating the Faith
    • To explain how a catechist authentically hands on the Catholic faith
    • To explain how knowing the Catechism of the Catholic Church is essential for effective catechesis
    • To identify why knowing one’s students is key for designing effective methodologies for communicating faith today
  • Week 3: Keeping Alive the Living Memory of a Living God
    • To explain how catechists, enable students to explore, interpret, and judge their various life experiences in light of Gospel Values.
    • To identify the diverse human methodologies a catechist can apply for stimulating the religious imagination of our students.
    • To explain how the power of the Holy Spirit is present to mentor and guide the catechist in proclaiming the Good News.