UAE Bishop Paolo Martinelli
Celebrates Mass at the University of DaytonVLCFF Partnership -
Embracing the Desert:
A Lenten ChallengeLent 2025 -
Basic Catechist FormationVLCFF Track: -
Catholic U.S. Service Members Learn Spiritual MentoringVLCFF Partnership:
The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is a growing initiative to offer adult religious education and faith formation anytime and anywhere via the internet. The goal is to support the church's professional ministry of religious education and faith formation in cyberspace.
The VLCFF is coordinated and sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) at the University of Dayton - a Catholic Marianist Institution.
From Eric F. Spina, University of Dayton President:
"The Institute for Pastoral Initiatives is a pioneer in the e-learning field,
delivering 24-7 remote classes to dioceses worldwide long before the pandemic
prompted schools to go online and offer hybrid learning.
With a successful model already in place, the VLCFF is poised to reach [even] more people with faith formation classes."